Monday 15 July 2013

Put On Your Running Shoes

Today, finally, was the day of my last injection for my trip across to China. To be fair, I only had to have 4 and of those only one was really required for the trip. Better safe than sorry.

So now thats done and dusted, with only a few weeks left before I fly, I have to start planning what I am going to do when I touch down in Beijing. Luckily as the scheme has so many people involved there are a bunch of people doing the same thing as me so if all goes well I won't be stuck traveling alone the whole time I am there.

A friend of mine who is already out in China  suggested this to me today:
This is definitely my kind of thing so I am all signed up and ready to run. Except I have no trainers, yet another thing to add to the endless list of things I need before I go.

First things first though I need a rucksack. Who knew that a decent travel bag costs more than I cheap flight to China in some places. Looks like I will be relying on eBay or friends to cut the brunt of this cost. Money has become the lurking shadow over this trip for no more though as sadly I have sold my car to avoid maxing the overdraft before I even get there.

With the trip so close and hearing about my friends experiences out there I am even more excited to get my ass over there. I have read the guide books, seen the photo's and even booked the events. All thats left is to count the days down.

21 days to go!!