Monday 30 September 2013

Bang to Hangzhou Week 2


Old Town Square
Severly hungover I somehow managed to check out of the hostel before 12 and get myself to the bund for some daytime snaps. Unfortunately having had no time to plan anything we had no idea where to go from here.

We made a trip down to the Yew Gardens and then found ourselves in Shanghai old town. This was the first bit of traditional China I had really seen in Shanghai so far and it was impressive, although a little too pristine  suggesting it was more for show than an attempt to retain its history. Still good fun and good end to our mini trip. The whole day was overshadowed by the events of the evening somewhat. I found out that the Hangzhou football team had a league game against Shanghai and somehow a small group of football fans from the study China group became more than half of the group.
Hangzhou : Shanghai

Shanghai : Hangzhou

We arrived at the awesome Yellow Dragon Stadium 5 minutes from our dormitories and took our pews after finding myself a Hangzhou shirt to switch into after arriving in my Shanghai shirt. The game itself was pretty poor and I can’t say too much for the level of skill in the Chinese football league. However on this occasion the fans of Hangzhou Green Town had another form of entertainment. This manifested in the rowdy section of the crown making Britain proud of its sporting hooligan heritage. Although Shanghai took a lead early on Hangzhou managed to claw a goal back midway through the second half. The game seemed to die off at this point which is astonishing considering it was barely living before.
A fairly unimpressive crowd in a very impressive stadium
Everybody agreed it was about time for a day off from the dingy depths of Coco Banana and so we all headed for a solid nights rest. 

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